Auto Immune Disorder
Liz Finds Relief from a Lifetime of Challenges with Lyme Disease
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I was bit by a deer tick at the age of five and became very ill thereafter. My parents wanted to avoid antibiotics and medications, so they sought natural remedies for the Lyme disease that I acquired. I did best on a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, however, I still had pain in my […]
Acne, Allergies/Sinus Infections, Chronic Fatigue, Restless Legs, Weight Loss
Amazing Results for the Entire Family
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My family has benefited tremendously by drinking liquid minerals from Company X on a daily basis for the past 13 years. Personally, I no longer suffer from chronic sinus infections, restless leg syndrome, leg cramps, allergies, insomnia, muscle spasms, pain from pinched sciatic nerve, etc. My husband lost 25 lbs in three months when he […]
Help for Lyme Disease
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In March of 2012, I started drinking four ounces of liquid whole food minerals with organic aloe by Company X on a daily basis for prevention. My immune system has been strengthened and I have not been sick once since then except in March of 2015 when I was traveling and didn’t take the liquid […]
Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Heartburn/Acid Reflux, High Blood Pressure, Improved Sleep, Menopausal Hot Flashes, Mental Clarity, Restless Legs, Weight Loss
Kathy B in North Carolina Sees Dramatic Results and Reduces Medications Taken
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Sea Vegetables and Aloe: How I Got My Life Back I was in rough shape a year ago. Doctors had me taking 6 medications so I could continue to work. I was progressively getting worse. At 46 my body was already shutting down and I was becoming unable to work. I decided to try a more natural […]
Jessi Find Relief from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Back Problems
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I was formally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2007. I had already been suffering with overwhelming fatigue and achiness for more than three years. Just putting my feet on the ground was painful, as was walking because my hips were so stiff they would not move. Sitting was also very painful because my back was so […]
Eczema, Epstein-Barr Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Headaches (incl. Migraines)
Dennis Doesn’t Have Eczema, Migraines or Epstein-Barr Symptoms Anymore
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Hi Juli, It’s great to hear from you. Has it really been that long since I met with you? Wow! I’m still doing great with “Liquid Organic Product” – No more eczema, no more migraine headaches, no more Epstein–Barr symptoms. My only problem is a family friend who I have been begging to give it a try. She […]
YEARS Added to My Life!
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I did the health story evaluation using the 5 basic pts. I found something about my own story that brought me to tears: When I started on “Liquid Organic Product“, I was disabled with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I used to get up at 10am, nap for 3 hours in the afternoon, and go to bed […]
Reiter's Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis)
Linda Experiences Amazing Recovery from Reactive Arthritis
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To start with, let me say ….. the ONLY reason we took these beginning pictures were to document what was happening to me that my doctors could not diagnose. We thought I may have to go to Mayo Clinic or something like it. Although the picture doesn’t show the same lymph-filled blisters on my face as […]
Blood Sugar, Chronic Fatigue, Food Cravings, General Aches & Pains, Headaches (incl. Migraines)
Johanna: “I Can Say YES Again!”
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Last year, I loved living a driven, high-profile life, traveling the world, and coordinating events for thousands. However, towards the end of the year I began to feel generally ill, fatigued, and stressed. For three months before I started “Liquid Organic Product” in March, I was had to sleep 13-18 hours a day — all throughout the […]