Linda Experiences Amazing Recovery from Reactive Arthritis

Linda Sherman - Before and AfterTo start with, let me say ….. the ONLY reason we took these beginning pictures were to document what was happening to me that my doctors could not diagnose. We thought I may have to go to Mayo Clinic or something like it. Although the picture doesn’t show the same lymph-filled blisters on my face as were on my hands/forearms due to the light reflection or whatever reason, they were as bad. Four nights after these pictures were taken Marshall had to take me to the ER as everything internally and externally from my abdomen up began to swell dangerously, and my hand, knee, ankle, and toe joints began to twist and swell. The blisters had spread from my finger tips up to my hairline.

It was scary as well as excruciatingly painful!! We didn’t discover Company X until a year later, so I was on drugs and pain medication to ‘control’ the undiagnosed affliction. I was about 90-95% disabled. Shortly before Marshall was approached by Terri Terrell with Company X, I was finally diagnosed with Reactive Arthritis, also known as Reiter’s Syndrome, a severe autoimmune disorder. Simply put, a wicked cousin of Psoratic Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The rest of the story is in the attached document.

The picture with my Mom was after we’d both been on “Liquid Organic Product” and “Liquid Calcium/Mineral Product” for about 3 years. Although she never got the use of her legs back, Mom’s quality of life improved dramatically. Her doctor was able to take her off 4 of her 13 (!) prescription meds. I had no scarring from the blisters which was amazing. We know my health recovery as well as my Mom’s improved health quality was due to the incredible nutrients in these products and the essential trace minerals which act as necessary ‘spark plugs’ for our bodies to assimilate vitamins. All of these empower our bodies to address and/or heal their own issues the way God designed them to do. We are very thankful the Hillman’s never gave up sharing these great products as a result of Gerri’s dramatic health recovery!!

Auto Immune Disorder Recovery       

March, 2003 after years of intense stress and living on coffee for energy, I developed oozing, burning rashes on my hands that spread up my forearms. I sought natural help but was directed to a medical doctor as it continued to worsen. He prescribed steroid creams and antihistamines which was like pouring gasoline on fire. His solution was, … “learn to live with it.” That’s when I became a warrior for my own health and life!!

We continued searching natural medicine as the oozing rash and intense pain spread up my body and all my limbs began to swell. I returned to other medical specialists who did skin biopsies and more tests with no results. The nerve endings in my body felt like I was being burned by steam, the muscle and bone crushing pain was excruciating and totally draining. I had no energy or stamina. Much of the time I had to be totally isolated due to the steroid drugs striping my immune system. From this body stress I developed severe Reactive Arthritis (Reiter’s Syndrome), a wicked cousin to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Very crippling. The drugs were almost as bad as the crippling disease. They did save my life, but I couldn’t think, felt totally helpless, and was about 90-95% disabled. Life was a very painful blur!

My husband was approached with the Company X” business Dec., 2004. In Feb., 2005, began Liquid Organic Product” slowly as my body was in crisis. After about 4 months I began realizing the rash was decreasing, and strength and stamina was slowly returning. I added “Liquid Calcium/Mineral Product” and it seemed to work in a synergistic action with the “Liquid Organic Product”. After 4 more months I added the “Pao D’Arco Product” to aid in the reduction of inflammation. By the end of Nov. I was able to wean myself from the last strong drug that was affecting my heart as a side effect. Six months later I took the last pain medication except for occasional flair ups. The inflammation as well as the crippling and deforming arthritis were slowly diminishing, and best of all, so was the pain!!! My life was nearly back to normal from external appearances. I continued to heal from the inside out for the next few years as I used the products.

Because my body was totally able to digest, absorb and utilize these liquid, cold processed micro and macro nutrients, phytonutrients and minerals, it was able to begin healing itself. Now in 2011, I continue taking the “Company X” products and adhere to an alkaline diet about 80% of the time as compared to the original 100% of the time. I’m restored 95 to 98% and living a VERY ACTIVE and normal life!

– Linda Sherman | Kremmling, Colorado

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