Help for Lyme Disease

In March of 2012, I started drinking four ounces of liquid whole food minerals with organic aloe by Company X on a daily basis for prevention.  My immune system has been strengthened and I have not been sick once since then except in March of 2015 when I was traveling and didn’t take the liquid minerals with me.  Sore throats no longer turn into colds.  Whereas I used to get the flu or colds at least yearly, if not more, since drinking liquid minerals, I am thrilled that I do not get sick. This has been the case for the past 3-1/2 years.

In August of 2013, I was bitten by a tick and got the bull’s eye rash.  When I started to experience severe heart palpitations and struggled to sleep, I was diagnosed with Lyme and put on antibiotics.  I decided to increase my liquid minerals to eight ounces each day to help me cope with all that was going on in my body.  Even though I was only able to sleep for about three hours each night, I never got sick with a cold, sore throat, the flu or anything else. I also had the stamina to work an eight hour day despite not sleeping much. In addition, I never developed the achy or swollen joints and flu symptoms that most Lyme disease victims experience.  I feel that it was the liquid mineral sea vegetables that prevented me from getting the full complement of horrible symptoms that are typical of Lyme disease.

It took about six weeks for me to become symptom free and I am now sleeping through the night again.  I am certain that liquid minerals reduced the severity of the Lyme disease symptoms.  I drink liquid mineral sea vegetables every day because I truly believe in this amazing product.  I tell people I would rather give up my cell phone than my liquid minerals because of the significant impact it has made in my life.

Teresa Miller | New Holland, PA

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