Lyme Disease Relief

My history with Lyme disease began on July 3, 2011. I found a tick on my upper lip. I wasn’t sure if it was a deer tick but it wasn’t stuck on really fast so I felt it was okay to pull off and flush. Big mistake. Two days later, I had pre scheduled abdominal surgery which created a vulnerable area. About three weeks into my recovery, I developed a nasty, itchy, burning rash on my belly. It spread around my waist and also started on my back. Lyme disease is notorious for attacking vulnerable places in the body. It took a few weeks to diagnose and by that time, I had full-blown Lyme.

In October of 2011, my boyfriend saw something on my neck that wasn’t there before. It was a dead deer tick and it was firmly attached. I suppose I drowned it in the shower as I have no idea how long it was there. It was very close to my jugular which carried it straight to my brain. I developed dementia and lost my job. Oddly enough, I am a CNA with special training in Alzheimers and Dementia! I had some therapies but without insurance, that didn’t last long!

So I began to do some research as I was able to handle it and absorb what I was learning. I learned that my body was high in acid, which does happen with Lyme. Go to for a wonderful list of high and low acid foods and high and low alkaline foods. As Lyme survivors, a high alkaline diet is critical.

I had been told by well-meaning but uninformed people to work through the pain and I would feel better. Not true!!! There is no pain relief from working out. Just do as much movement as you can tolerate and then stop! It is essential to move, sedentary lifestyles do make Lyme much worse. And you will get stronger slowly but surely. At least it’s forward motion, right?! Be sure to get the purest vitamins you can.

I keep saying “pure, purest”. With Lyme disease, this is critical, especially until you adapt to the new ways of eating and rid your body of the worst inflammation Lyme disease leaves behind. As the inflammation dissipates, so will your pain. It’s very stubborn, as I’m sure you have found out. Just know that you are not alone. After struggling for about a year, I began drinking liquid sea vegetables and a product that reduces inflammation from Company X. The change was drastic once the inflammation was under control, pain was reduced and I got my life back. I became employed again shortly thereafter.

Esther Kachel | Elizabethtown, PA

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