Mavis’ Husband Rob and Daughter Get Help with Dyslexia

My husband of 33 years, Rob, never read a book from cover to cover. In school he was brilliant at Mathematics and associated subjects and failed English consistently.  In adult life, he would read comic strips and left it up to me to read important documents. He has been drinking “Liquid Organic Product” for 7 years & many other “Company X” products for the past five years. In the past two years Rob has been increasingly reading self development books. He read the October 2008 Networking Times & quotes accurately from the material in that publication. His increased self confidence in communication is obvious to those who know him well

It was not until our daughter, Elizabeth, was diagnosed with dyslexia 16 years ago, that we realized Rob was experiencing the same as she. Elizabeth was more fortunate in that she received specific education to overcome this anomaly in her make-up, but still struggled with spelling. This was quite a challenge when she became a secretary & had to type up letters from dictated recordings! It was seven years ago that she too began to drink “Liquid Organic Product” adding some other “Company X” products over the past two years. Three years ago she decided to take up full time study and completed the studies of her Naturopath course Dec 2008. Most of her subjects she achieved either Distinctions or A’s

When we continue to feed our body what it needs on a daily basic miracles happen!  Thank You!  Mother Nature for our wonderful “Company X” products.

– Mavis Carruthers, Business Mentor & Wellness Coach | Perth, Western Australia


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