Bethann Turns Around a Lifetime of Chronic Health Issues; Now “I do not get sick”

Bethann BaffutoWhen I was 12 I had my first asthma attack,  playing one night with my friends.  Then the suffering began.  I suffered the embarrassment of being goalie during soccer because if I ran, I had asthma.  I remember my teenage years were full of frequent bouts of bronchitis.  As I got older, I had increasing problems with my weight, weighing 185 when I graduated from high school (I’m 5’ 4” tall).  I knew nothing about eating well.  Eventually, I lost weight on Atkins and cigarettes.  I became obsessed with what I ate, reading every weight loss book on the market.  Yet, by  nightfall, my stomach hurt from overeating as I couldn’t ever be satisfied and quit thinking about food.  Little did I know that my body was just starving for nutrients.

I became obsessed.  When I went to the doctor for annual check ups, I complained about wanting to be thinner.  He said “if you don’t get your asthma under control, you will not have a weight problem.  You’ll be what we call a lunger, hauling your oxygen tank around with you, fighting for every breath.  Then you’ll be thin.”  I was also plagued with allergies all year long, sinus infections, even canker sores in my nose every fall.  I lived for winter when flowers and grasses died, yet I was still deathly allergic to dust and molds.  I was afraid to shake people’s hands because catching colds triggered life threatening asthma attacks.

Several other concerns popped up:  hair loss, aching feet and hips, and I was seriously losing the ability to retrieve words from my aging brain.  As a teacher, frequently in front of 40 to 100 people, it is not a good thing to stand there trying to “think of a word”. This worried me, to say the least.  Pre Alzheimer’s?  Over 50?  What was the cause?

Then a friend, who had suffered from Fibromyalgia until she found “Liquid Organic Product”, came to stay as a house guest.  I noticed she looked clear skinned, radiant, energetic, and generally very well and I said “gee you are looking good.”  She’s 3 years older than I.   She told me her story and asked if we’d like to take this liquid whole food that had helped her so much.  “We would no longer need to take our daily multiple vitamin”, she said.  My husband hated choking down vitamin pills, so we decided to switch to this liquid supplement.  This was in January of 2004.

Well, was I ever surprised when after about 60 days I noticed words were popping into my head when I needed them, instead of the fearful “searching for a word and never finding it in the deep, dark emptiness”.  30 days later there was no doubt “Liquid Organic Product” was improving my brain function.  Allergies, asthma and energy level all improved so gradually that I wasn’t keenly aware of when they all had changed.  But, sure enough, after being on “Liquid Organic Product” for about a year I realized that my health complaints were disappearing.  My hair grew back in thicker, praise the Lord, and I could wear high heels again.  My feet and hips no longer hurt, in fact, I felt better then I did 20 years earlier.  I no longer complained of exhaustion.

I’ve been taking “Liquid Organic Product”, and also “Calcium/Mineral Product” now for 3 1/2 years.  I have so much energy, I’ve begun to run, which I haven’t done since I was 28 years old.  I am now age 58.  I have not used an asthma inhaler for at least 2 years (down from 18 life-threatening puffs a day) and I no longer take allergy pills.  I now hug people freely, set free of worrying about catching colds, as my body fights off any bug that would try to come my way.  It’s like magic.  If I feel that I’m under attack, I just up my consumption of “Liquid Organic Product”, and I DO NOT GET SICK.  My immune system now functions the way God intended it to, since I’m getting the nutrients I need.  Over eating is no longer a concern. I have “fed myself thin.”

I’m amazed at how well highest quality whole food nutrients have been the solution to my problems. Naturally, I began sharing my good fortune with others after being on the products for about a year.  This high-impact, priceless product is too good to keep to yourself.  Now, I have retired from my full-time executive position, working part-time sharing these awesome products.  I have time freedom and my hourly earnings are more than double what I was earning on salary.

– Bethann Baffuto | Rapid City, South Dakota

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