Larry Overcomes Atrial Fibrillation, Gets More Energy and Is Able to Return to Work

Atrial fibrillation came into my life in July of 2006. With this condition, the danger is that blood can pool, causing clots, that can move to the heart or brain. Along with it came an unrelenting exhaustion that was always present, causing me to give up my job in May of 2007.  Without strength or energy, my main occupation became holding down my recliner (It was the hardest job I have ever had).

My working days were pretty much over not having energy or stamina to do any work for very long. In August of 2008, I was introduced to a whole food supplement called, “Liquid Organic Product”.  I began to take four ounces a day.  I have now been taking it for three months. I can tell you, it is hard for me to believe the energy and endurance I have now. My get up and go is back. I am out of my recliner, working on introducing Liquid Organic Product to as many people as I can, that’s why you are reading this: I want you to know there is help and hope.

I don’t know if you need strength and energy or if you have a health issue but I know what “Liquid Organic Product” can do for you, because I know what it has done for me.  I searched earnestly for a product that I could feel and see the difference, with results that could be measured, and I tried many products. This is the best I have ever found.

On October 29, 2008 I was given a heart cath.  My doctor was pleased and surprised by the improved condition of my heart, he said it was stronger and functioning better with blood flowing more freely through one of my arteries, (I had my stint put in November, 2006) he also said, you might want to go back to work. He was against it last year.

My job is reaching those who will listen and share my “Liquid Organic Product” experience with them.

Thank You,

– Larry Jackson

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