Judith’s Incredible Healing from Incontinence and Insomnia
When I began taking “Liquid Organic Product” at age 52, I was living with two debilitating health issues.
First, I had gone through menopause at a relatively early age but found myself on the other side with a rabid case of incontinence. I began seeing a urologist and, after trying physical therapy and three different prescription medications to no avail, I submitted to extensive bladder studies. At that time the doctor told me that I had one of the worst cases of incontinence he had ever seen. Because I had “urge” incontinence, my last option in getting some relief was surgery that involved implanting a pacemaker in the small of my back. The pacemaker would send out a vibration that interrupted the faulty signal that my bladder was sending my brain telling it that I had to urinate.
At this point, I was totally desperate as my bladder was quite literally running my life and my activities were severely restricted. At the time I had the surgery, I had been taking “Liquid Organic Product” for 2-3 months. After a year of uncomfortable living with the pacemaker and its limitations, it began to malfunction and I was told it had to be removed or replaced. As I had gotten at best what I considered a marginal result, I opted to have it removed and began lamenting the prospect of returning to being a slave to my bladder. By the time the pacemaker was surgically removed, I had been taking “Liquid Organic Product” for 15-16 months. I went into the hospital severely depressed thinking my bladder issues be worse than ever. To my surprise and elation, my incontinence never returned! (This despite being told that urge incontinence that does not improve, but only deteriorates and gets worse over time.)
In addition to the bladder problem, I had suffered from insomnia since my late 20’s. I would often go 2-3 nights without sleeping and would go through my days like a zombie trying to work, keep a home and raise a child on no sleep. Shortly after I began taking “Liquid Organic Product”, I noticed my sleep patterns gradually improving. Shortly after, I added “Calcium/Mineral Product” and insomnia vanished. To this day I sleep like a baby and the insomnia has never returned.
I credit the combination of “Liquid Organic Product” and “Calcium/Mineral Product” with giving me both my days and nights back. Living in freedom from both lack of sleep and no bladder control allows me total freedom from restrictions of any kind. “Company X” products have been an indescribable gift. Now at 58, I have never felt better, have energy to burn and am confident that I’ll be using the products for the rest of my life.
– Judith Berbiglia | Charlotte, North Carolina