Little Nicholas Helped with ADD

NicholasAlthough my health results from using our “Liquid Organic Product” is a good story of a healthier immune system and relief from migraines, the real truth of this phenomenal product is about my Grandson, who at age 5 was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  Doctor, after doctor prescribed almost every medication for him to “treat” this disorder.

Side effects of loss of appetite, insomnia, constipation, irritability, being more hyper, more inattention at school, loss of friends, talking a mile a minute, interrupting and crying didn’t matter…..just give him the medicine. Being his secondary caregiver, as he stayed at my home when his Mom worked was a good thing.

In June of 2007, at age 10, I began to give him 2 oz. of “Liquid Organic Product”.  It took a while to start to see a  change (all while he was still on the medicine) but change did begin.  When he was 73 lbs. I started giving him 4 oz. a day.  The final straw came when a doctor prescribed a medication of 10mg to be taken for 2 weeks, then to be increased to 18mg in another 2 weeks and then increased to 40mg.  I refused to give it to him.  I read that research has proven that ADD is specifically linked to mineral and enzyme deficiencies.  I believed that given time “Liquid Organic Product” would help him.  IT DID!  He has been off the medicine since March of ’08.

His appetite is back, the insomnia, constipation, irritability, hyperness, inattention at school, loss of friends, talking a mile a minute, interrupting and crying are things of the past.  He was chosen as one of the all star players on his baseball team this past season.

Thanks to “Liquid Organic Product”.

My mission now is to educate whomever will listen about the amazing results my Grandson has gotten from taking this phenomenal product.  I am happy to share this story and give hope to those who need it.

Edwina | Tinley Park, Illinois

UPDATE: Friday, 10/24/08, he brought his report card home….an A in math, the rest B’s and a C in Social Studies!!

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