Janet’s Son’s Chrone’s Disease Symptoms Practically Gone and Her Hot Flashes Are Gone!

Janet GallagherMy son was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease almost 4 years ago, he was 13.  Within 1 year they had him on about 8 pills, 2 of them steroids, and he still didn’t feel well.  I started searching vitamins to see if I  could help him another way.

After trying a few I found out about “Liquid Organic Product”.  It’s made from 22 sea vegetables and aloe vera juice.  It is a whole natural food with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.   He is now only on 1 pill  (Nexium ) and I may start weaning him off of that also.

He’s doing great and his new doctor said that from his colonoscopy/endoscopy he would not even have know he had Crohn’s.

I also had been told it would help me with my hot flashes.  I take a combination of the “Liquid Organic Product” and also “Calcium/Mineral Supplement” which is calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and Omegas 3, 6 and 9.  All the things my body needs anyway.  I had 10-20 hot flashes per day plus waking in the night from sweating.  Now, with “Liquid Organic Product”, I have no more hot flashes, it’s wonderful.

Janet Gallagher | Pennsylvania

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