Barb Getting Lots of Energy and Saved from Hormonal Shifts

HI folks,

I have been in another 200 hour Yoga certification which is WONDERFUL.  Needless to say, some of the weeks have been VERY intense…12 hour days and up to four Yoga classes/practices in one day!  I can HONESTLY swear that without my “Liquid Organic Product”, “Joint Formula” and “Natural Energy Drink”, I would not have made it through some of these days!  Many of my class mates could not endure the rigorous schedule and had to leave early, miss sessions or classes, etc.

AND, at the age of 48 I am experiencing some hormonal “shifts.”  The “Natural Energy Drink” is SAVING me – and my marriage (hee hee).  The full spectrum of B vitamins, Ashwaganda and Tulsi Berry TRULY stabilize the potential moodiness and edginess that we are blessed with when experiencing these hormonal life changes.  I forgot to drink a “Natural Energy Drink” one day and could not figure out why I was feeling so sad and edgy.  THEN I realized why and guzzled a “Natural Energy Drink” and felt almost immediate relief.  Whew!

Thanks to those that turned me on to these amazingly healing products.  If you need more supplies, let me know – I am SO happy I can help others live their life without suffering.  Aging is inevitable.  It CAN be done with grace however….

– Barb

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