Suzanne Is Back at Work 3 1/2 Days After Having Her Appendix Removed
I am back at work 3.5 days after my appendix being removed and I credit it all to “Liquid Organic Product” and “Vitality Product“
Thursday, January 27 at around 10am I was having stomach cramps and by 3pm I was in the clinic at work, 4pm at the Urgent care near my home and 10pm in an ambulance to Shady Grove Hospital to have my appendix removed. At 11pm they removed my appendix, 12 midnight I was in post-op, 1:30am I was in my room and at 11am the next morning (Friday) I was being released.
My appendix did not puncture or burst and because it was inflamed but otherwise in good condition when they removed it from my belly button, they did not even put me on antibiotics, because no toxins were released into my system. I had no pain, never took any pain medication, ate pot roast for lunch and pork shops for dinner on Friday. The next day went to game night with friends, church and to get my nails done on Sunday and I was in the office at noon on Monday. I will be back at the gym tomorrow morning at 6am and my only restrictions are no lifting over 15 pounds for the first month and no crunches or abdominal exercises for 30 days (however, my 9 minute mile on the elliptical, is ok, if I feel up to it)
I really can say that my 45 minute workout a day, my 1200 calorie diet, and my daily regimen of “Liquid Organic Product” (6 oz) and “Vitality Product” (I mix the 2 together), is why I am back to my routine in 3.5 days after surgery!
Thank you “Company X“!
– Suzanne L. New | Bethesda, Maryland