Entire Family’s Health Turned Around; $300 Every Month Saved on Medication

My husband Samuel and I were introduced to “Liquid Organic Product” and “Calcium/Mineral Product” at a Health Fair in November of 2010.  We were really strapped for cash at the time, but me being an insulin dependent diabetic, and tired of high and low readings, despite taking insulin shots, metformin, and hand full of pill supplements from the natural food store, went with instinct and ordered some right away.  My husband just took it to be supportive…isn’t he cute?

Well, WOW!  He’s the one that started feeling the difference right away…for me it took a little longer.  He had been suffering from a 3 disc fusion surgery (doctor that did it messed him up for life!) and a chronic pain it was for both of us!  He was on pain pills so much that it gave him an ulcer and he had to go to a special pain management doctor so they could control how much he was taking.  He never wanted to have to depend on pain pills to begin with…how insulting is that?

Anyway…just 3 days after starting on the “Liquid Organic Product” and “Calcium/Mineral Product”, he found relief…finally!  He also suffered with prostrate problems getting up every night 4-5 times to go to the bathroom and had to plan his day around a bathroom, even though he was on medicine for that too.  And, he has had vertigo since he was a young boy, which he was on medicine for when he had his bouts.  He had skin irritations under his arms from wearing deoderant, and could never find one that didn’t make him itch.  He had a finger that was injured and he suffered with pain in that finger for many years, and from all the prescriptions he was taking he developed an ulcer for which he was on yet another medication!!  Well…I could go on, and he was a mess.  Within the 1st month of being on these products, he doesn’t take ANY of his meds.  It is amazing, he feels great and subsequently, our relationship is stronger too!!

For me, the products have helped my blood sugar control.  I am off the metformin, I’m off the humolog shots, and am only having to use 20 units of Lantus, and I was able to quit taking the handful of pill supplements every day.  (come to find out all they were doing was binding me up!)  The craving for nicotine, alchohol, sugar, over eating junk food…all disappeared.  We are sleeping much more soundly, and feeling so refreshed in the mornings, have a ton of energy (used to be slumped over on the couch by 7:00 p.m. every night) that we are so much more productive.  I had a wrist injury from my college days, that has always bothered me, and now I don’t even feel it!  It is amazing how adding these products to our diets have caused us to do a 180 with regard to our health issues.

We have saved a ton of money.  We were spending at least $300 a month at Walgreens for over the counter medicine and prescriptions.  Since November, 2010, we haven’t stepped foot in Walgreens!  Also we aren’t spending money on junk food, soda, alchohol, cigarrettes.  As if that’s not enough, the “thank you” checks that the company is sending us for sharing these products with others is an added bonus!  It is the best business model I have ever heard of in my 35+ years in the work force.  And the best thing is that we don’t have to answer to anybody and play silly office politics games!  How fantastic is that?  The results will correlate with how much time and energy you put into sharing, and following up with people.  The tools are the support from fellow members is fantastic!  This life style also causes a lot of change and personal development.  No more playing the victim!!

Here’s another one:

My mother-in-law, Geneova, is 85 years old.  She has a lot of health challenges.  For instance, she was told her has lung cancer about 6 months ago, and she never smoked a day in her life!  Geneova also has an “incurable” blood disease called “Polycythemia Vera” which is a form of leukemia. For over 15 years, she has had to go to the doctor every month, and have them draw blood out, because if she doesn’t she could get a blood clot and die. Well, since she started taking “Liquid Organic Product”, (3 months now) she has gone in to get her blood taken out, and the doctor said she is within normal range!!! She went in for another test to see if the lung cancer is spreading, and the doctors are telling her that things are stabilized and seems to be improving.  She’s breathing fine now, not needing to take oxygen at night, she’s experiencing increased levels of energy, she doesn’t have to take her prescribed sleeping pills, her severe headaches that the doctors said if they continue, could cause her to have a stroke…disappeared! She can see and hear better than before, her sugar cravings have ceased, and she’s having to back down on her insulin…can you imagine?  All this in only 3 months…and she continues to improve. She is so proud that she has taken control of her health, and happy that she tried an alternative method, despite the ‘nay sayers.’

Geneova Lozada lives in Valparaiso, Indiana

Thanks for posting what you can of these testimonies for us Kathy.  Please let me know if you need anything else.

– Janice Lozada | Valparaiso, Indiana

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