Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Vertigo, Acid Reflux, Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure

I started having vertigo in my early twenties.  Over the years my immune system seemed to be compromised.  I would catch everything my kids had and it always took me longer to recover.  I started experiencing weakness in my legs from time to time and it was especially noticeable after being ill.  I also had some bad episodes with my legs after being in the sun or in a whirlpool.

In 2001 after many months of being run down, I became seriously ill.  My vision was affected, I was terribly weak, chronic pain in my body especially my legs. The weakness became worse until I was unable to function, barely walk and the fatigue was totally taking over.  After 2 years of tests, and 3 neurologists, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

I have improved my leg strength over time with water exercise and using weights.  But still could not walk very far without painful consequences. I would sleep 10 to 12 hours at night and nap everyday, sometimes up to 5 hours.  If I didn’t get enough rest I paid for it. I had so much trouble with my memory for a while that I was getting lost on the 12 mile drive home from doing errands.

I went through a battery of tests to make sure I did not have Alzheimer’s.  It was very scary!  My daughter would call me in the morning and I would say something like “I’m still on my first cup of coffee, I’ll call you back after I’ve had my second cup!”  It took me a couple of hours to be alert enough to even have a sensible conversation.  I also had acid reflux.  My blood sugar was rising as was my blood pressure. I was on sinus allergy medication year round and used a lot of ibuprofen for joint and arthritis pain.

I was introduced to “Liquid Organic Product” in April of 2009. I started using “Liquid Calcium Product” about a month after that, then added “Joint Product”.  I now sleep 9 or 10 hours a night and I wake up more alert. I can get right into my day and most of the time I don’t even drink coffee.  I do not need to nap on a regular basis. Some weeks I don’t nap at all.  I am walking better and farther and I don’t have as much pain as I did before. I’ve been told that my gait has improved.  Some people have commented that my complexion is beautiful, and others that I look like I feel better.   My acid reflux is gone, my blood sugar and blood pressure are lower.  I rarely need an allergy tablet or ibuprofen.  I have also lost some weight.

I still have M.S. as the “Company X” products are not a cure. But I feel more in control of my health and have a better quality of life on these products.

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