Weight Loss Made Easier

Betsy - Before and After Weight LossIn the interests of FULL DISCLOSURE you need to know that besides taking “Liquid Organic Product” for six months, I have followed the counsel of a certified nutritionist in order to modulate my thyroid issues. No doubt, gluten free/dairy free has helped with weight loss.

However, the “Liquid Organic Product” is SO useful in mediating cravings and balancing (increasing) energy, that the weight loss has been pretty much effortless. I suspect my mitochondria are working their little cellular hearts out inside my 61-year-old body! The least amount I use daily is 4oz. In the initial stages, I used as much as 12 oz. But everyone is different, so pay attention to your own body.

When your energy is high and your feeling of well-being is constant, you can tackle diet modifications that were perhaps difficult previously.  You may be surprised how easy it is to give up chocolate when your body is getting the minerals it needs! Exercising regularly is also much easier when your “zest for life” is being supported!

– Betsy

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