Pink Eye – Gone with No Doctor or Prescription!

Kristie Guns DaughterA few days ago, my daughter got Pink Eye.  This is an infection of the eye that is highly contagious.  Since I have 7 children, this is always a great concern to me because it means we cannot go anywhere until it is clear, and because it spreads so easily from one child to another, I wanted to make sure we got rid of it right away!

I got out the “Silver Product”, put one drop in each eye and then she went to bed for the night.  The next day, we put two more drops in each eye before bed.  The next morning, they were perfectly clear, not itchy, not goopy.  We put in one more drop for safe-keeping, and that is it.

No more pink eye!  No spreading of it, and no doctor visit!  A quick and easy solution =)  And it only took 4 drops in each eye to clear it out.  I am so very thankful to “Company X”!  Happy Thanksgiving!

– Kristie L Guns

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