Acute Intermittent Porphyria “from the day I started taking this amazing product, I never had another AIP relapse”

Lisa Lane

Twelve years ago I was struck down out of the blue with what turned out to be a rare hereditary health condition. I was 34 and at that time in my life I would have considered myself the fittest and healthiest I’d ever been. I had a beautiful 13 year old daughter, a loving husband and 17 year old twin step daughters. We lived in an eco-village in a pristine environment in NZ, growing our own organic fruits and vegetables. When I had my first attack, it came on with acute pain and delirium, vomiting and diarrhea, plus no sleep for over 5 days. I lost 10kg (22 lbs) in 3 or 4 days. I was finally taken to a doctor who unfortunately misdiagnosed me, subsequently nearly terminating my life with the anti-inflammatory medication he injected me with. I ended up in a coma on a life support system for a week. It was understood later that with that particular health condition, just about every medication is potentially fatal, if administered during a bout of it.

With me continuing to go downhill regardless of everything the hospital tried a student doctor was finally delegated to researching 24/7 to come up with a diagnosis, which he finally did. It turned out to be a condition called Acute Intermittent Porphyria, a very rare disease, particularly here in New Zealand . They were then able to identify the appropriate blood derivitive medication to address it with. Unfortunately there was no hematin in New Zealand so they had to source the first lot in Australia and fly it over. The rest of it they had to fly from New Orleans ! That’s how rare AIP is in NZ and Australia . This got me out of the coma, but I was literally a vegetable for some time after. I had had some swelling of the brain from the extreme drop in my sodium levels. But also, when I went into the coma I had fallen down the spiral staircase in our house, banging my head on the way down. So one way or another, it looked like I had brain damage.

From then on I had to relearn how to walk and slowly regain the use of my faculties again. However, it was a long slow road as every other month when I had another relapse, I’d get knocked right back again, often having to be re-hospitalised. Each time unable to eat and in acute pain, sleepless for 5 days or so, and any weight gain lost again. The only painkillers that were safe were not strong enough, I just had to ride it out till it passed. At this time I started religiously taking health supplements for the first time in my life, 8 or 9 tablets a day. We had very little money, and because Zvone, my husband, had to be my caregiver, he couldn’t work so we were living on my very minimal sickness benefit. We really couldn’t afford those supplements, and to be quite honest, over the 2 years I was taking them, I don’t think they really helped me much. After 2 years I was still really underweight, no stamina, unable to think of more than one thing at a time without getting really stressed out. I also had a continuous internal shake that was imperceptible to other people, but it made me really uncoordinated in my movement. Continually missing or knocking over anything I was reaching for, like cups and glasses etc. And still regularly getting hospitalized with relapses. Very frustrating for me and everyone around me.

Happily, one summer 10 years ago, long time friends Michael and Christa visited us from Boulder , Colorado . Christa Way is a health professional, and together with her husband Michael Jude, had just started using and recommending this amazing product in the US , with tremendous results in all sorts of health conditions. A very simple, yet profound liquid organic super food. Organically grown aloe vera and 9 different types of wild sea vegetables. Sounds yukky eh?! But with black cherry and natural sweeteners, it was just like having 4-8oz of juice every day. She recommended I stop taking all those supplements I was on and try this for awhile. She was convinced I would have better results. She was right. After 2 weeks I started having more energy. 3 months later it felt like someone switched my brain on again! The internal shake went and my co-ordination returned, mystamina came back. It took another year or so for my weight to normalize again. But the best thing was, from the day I started taking this amazing product, I never had another AIP relapse. This is highly unusual with this particular health issue. Most people with AIP have to resign themselves to living with it for the rest of their lives; low energy, anorexic looking and miserable, never quite knowing when they’ll get hit by another bout of AIP because of it’s unpredictability.

Well, I’ve gone from strength to strength over the 10 years since then. I’m fitter and healthier now than I was before I started taking this aloe/sea vegetable liquid magic! I truly feel that if I just stay on this product, I will never have Acute Intermittent Porphyria again. I can’t tell you how much of a blessing this has been in so, so many ways, for me, my loved ones and my life. I’ve also had the opportunity over the years since then to see how this simple, yet profound product has changed the lives of 1000’s of other people too. Anything from low energy and a general lack of well being, to all sorts of obscure health issues that seem to have been successfully addressed.

Because of my experience and that of so many others, I feel that this product can be so great for anyone who chooses to use it. Impacting them in powerful and positive ways, maybe even in more ways than they could ever imagine. I feel so grateful to The Founders, and “Company X”, for making their experience and vision available to so many.

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