Carol’s Blood Pressure Lowers, Is Off Medication (Calan-sr) “I believe these products changed my life”

Three years ago I had been on the high blood pressure medication Calan-sr for 17yrs. I also had frequent migraine headaches, low energy and hair loss.

The reason I was on the medication, was due to Surviving 2 Brain Aneurysm Operations.

I was then introduced to “Liquid Organic Product” and several of the other “Company X” products. After taking the products for 2 ½ months I monitored my blood pressure. It was 110/70 down from a medicated 120/95. Since then, I am medication free.

haven ‘ t had any headaches since taking the products. I now have full head of hair, which I thought would never grow back. My energy is thru the roof. I’m 54yrs. young and I feel like I’mm only 25.

I believe these products have changed my life. I thank GOD for “Company X”.


– Carol Hinkle | Oak Park, Illinois

Note:   Carol Hinkle was also take 3 other “Company X” products; “Calcium/Mineral Supplement”, Taheebo, and Colloidal Silver.

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