Rosemary’s Diverticulitis Gone!

My name is Rosemary. In August of 2010 I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I was experiencing severe abdominal pain one night and went to the emergency room to see what was going on. I ended up having a colonoscopy which indicated diverticulitis. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days on antibiotics and because I was healing so well, I was able to avoid having surgery. Upon discharge, I was told to eat a bland diet for 4-6 weeks, which meant lots of potatoes, breads, pasta, etc. I started feeling better almost right away and figured that I would not have to worry about anymore “attacks”.

About two and a half months later, I started experiencing very similar pain to what I had before. Again it was diverticulitis, only this time I had abscesses in my colon. The surgeon wanted me to heal for a couple of months and then have elective surgery to take out the affected area in my colon.

My friend Shelley told me about “Liquid Organic Product”. Immediately, I started on the “Liquid Organic Product” (1oz. for 3 days) and then progressed eventually to where I am today at 4 oz./day. I started to feel better almost right away on all levels, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Although I couldn’t see what was going on inside me, I was sleeping better at night, not waking up several times during the night, had more energy throughout the day and my anxiety seemed to be less. Overall, I felt more balanced.

The real test came when I went to the hospital in January for abdominal pain. After much testing, including an MRI, the doctors were surprised to find that the problem was not in my colon. There was no diverticulitis! The pain was from a cyst on my ovary that had burst.

I don’t tend to buy many things for myself, but I do deserve to be healthy and happy and I have achieved that being on “Liquid Organic Product”.  My daughters also take “Liquid Organic Product” everyday and have from day one. It is part of our daily routine. We have not missed one day yet!

– Rosemary Wiseman | Massachusetts

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