Susan Pain Free from Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

“Well, I’ll be” is a quaint Southern saying that my great-great-aunt Ethel used to affirm people in conversations.   She had no idea that it was short for “well, I’ll be damned”.  I share this because that was the state I was in, suffering from chronic severe pain.  But several years ago I made a conscious decision that I would turn that saying around and… WELL, I would be!

At age 13, my recurring pain and what appeared to be symptoms of repeated urinary tract infections baffled the doctors.  They prescribed antibiotics for the supposed UTIs and gave me large dose Naprosen and Motrin prescriptions for the pain.

By age 23, I had self-determined that caffeine was a main culprit for the repeated UTIs and I eradicated it from my diet.  But by this time, my issues had broadened with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Around 33, the dilemma had progressed to a point that many food items and even circumstances were “triggers” for the still recurring UTIs and IBS bouts.  Dinner out or an intimate evening with my husband could end with days of severe abdominal pain.  I visited many specialists, and finally was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis [also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome].  With that diagnosis came the term – chronic.

Over the next 5 years, the bouts worsened by both length and severity and the frequency increased, finally coming to a head when I began passing blood clots in my urine.   With the crippling pain and debilitating effect on my life as a mother, wife, and employee, I had to find an answer.  The doctors wanted to prescribe Pentosan [only oral drug approved by FDA specifically for IC], which I would have to take — forever.  How it works is unknown, as are the long-term effects.

Knowing that food was the main trigger, it must also be the answer… so I began my research.  Aloe was the main ingredient needed to counteract the IC.  I began an exhaustive search for the right aloe:  liquid form, not a pill; something that I could stomach the taste and stand the texture.

Liquid Organic Product” by “Company X” is my miracle find.   With its aloe base and the minerals from the sea vegetables, it is the perfect whole food to counter my condition.  After only a couple of months on “Liquid Organic Product”, my IC was under control and the IBS left completely.  A small cup of 2-3 ounces each day keeps me in balance.  At times of great stress or bad diet, I take an extra drink.

Today I am pain free and have no frequency issues.  WELL, I Am!

– Susan Y. | North Carolina

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