Joe’s Cholesterol Drops 38% in 8 Months

Most of you know my husband Joe or at least have heard of him!  He, like many people in our country and in the world suffers from high cholesterol – some of this is genetic in tendency and beyond his control without the use of strict diet, cholesterol lowering medication and regular exercise.

Joe is great at the exercise part, pretty good at the diet part and has not decided to take the cholesterol lowering medication.

What he HAS done for the last 8 months is drink “Liquid Organic Product” each day.  His blood work recently came back and the LDL (bad cholesterol) had dropped from 146 to 91 points since his last test 1 year ago!  He has done NOTHING different except take Liquid Organic Product.  His exercise has been less than consistent and his diet – he struggles with self control.

The doc was thrilled and wants to know more about “Liquid Organic Product” and “Company X” products.

Your friend and health coach,

– Barb

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