Scott’s Blood Sugar Improves 800 points in 4 Months

I have my “Company X” story or at least the beginning of it. Last week saw me in the hospital for a couple of days while doctors tried to rule out a stroke I may have had. I woke up in the early morning at work with a horrible headache. I took a large dose of Advil which didn’t even begin to help. My head just hurt more and more. Very shortly I was losing use of my right arm and I was very nauseous. My coworkers took me to the ER at Cheshire and immediately they found my blood pressure was dangerously high. I had figured my blood pressure was getting very high because I had been waking up with minor annoying headaches and was also getting double vision on several occasions.

But being the stubborn sort I just doubled up on my medication and moved on until I could get around to making an appointment to see my primary care doctor. Anyways, I had been moving towards some sort of medical calamity for a while and I knew it.  Overweight, smoking, pre-diabetic, high blood pressure and my triglycerides were really high. I was supposed to follow up and get fasting labs months earlier to see where I was heading and of course kept putting them off.

The hospital drew my labs and I was quite surprised. My blood sugar was back down well below the normal levels and my triglycerides were down so low compared to where I knew I had been. I almost didn’t believe the tests. 6 months ago my blood levels were so high the tech said my blood just foamed up when they tried to spin it out. They thought I had to have been binging on ice cream for days before my lab tests. The level was something like 984. My new level was 184 with no changes in my lifestyle other than taking “Liquid Organic Product” daily beginning 4 months ago.

This is an 800 point improvement in just 4 months.

So now that my doctor has told me that what I really had going on was a transient ischemic attack or a small temporary stroke, BUT, the next time it happened I would end up drooling on myself if I survived it. They did have to put me on some more medications at least for a while until I can take off the weight. I have quit smoking and my wife is trying hard to quit also. My goal this year is to get back to where I should be medically and I have a huge jump start because of what “Liquid Organic Product” has already done for me with my blood sugar and lipids.

This is going to be a challenging year but it should be rewarding as well. I will keep you updated as I go along.

Talk to you later,
– Scott

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