Triathlete Excels with Products!

Susan Navas


I’ve been taking “COMPANY X” products for about 4 years now – and I’ve been a triathlete for that amount of time.  During the 4 years that I’ve been training and racing, I’ve also raised two young children, created a 2nd business while maintaining the first one, performed many hours of volunteer work, managed a household in spite of a husband who travels 50% of the time, and acquired a very active puppy.  In other words, I have a hectic, potentially very stressful life.  However, in spite of the pace, and the countless viruses I am exposed to via my children’s classmates, I have (knock on wood) remained extremely healthy and energetic.

For my 40th birthday this past October, I decided to celebrate by competing in my first full Ironman triathlon:  2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run.  I made this decision a scant 10.5 weeks before the race, which meant I needed to get into Ironman shape in 8 weeks so I could taper the last 2 weeks.  I trained 7 days a week, averaging 3 hours of training each week day, 5-6 hours each weekend day.  Much of my training occurred before school or work, when everyone was asleep, and it occurred in spite of H1N1 (which my children caught, but had a mercifully mild version), my running for local political office, and carrying on with all of my other regular duties in and out of the house.  My only goal for the Nov. 29 Ironman was to finish, and not finish last.  I managed to complete it in 15 hours, in 1,103rd place (out of 1,900), felt great during it, and had completely recovered from the effort by the next day.

During training, I started each day with “Liquid Organic Product”, my breakfast was a shake that included “Protein Product”, “Greens Product” & “Calcium/Mineral Product”, and the 2 weeks leading up to the race I had 2 bottles of “Energy Product” each day.  The morning of the race I had the shake (minus the “Greens Product”) and had 2 bottles of “Energy Product”.

Ironman is known to involve 3 sports: swim, bike, run.  However, every long distance athlete knows that the “secret” weapon – or what will break you – is the fourth discipline: nutrition.  This is where my COMPANY X” products came in and gave me that extra edge, during training, racing, and recovery.  I have signed up for Ironman Cozumel 2010 and “COMPANY X” will once again be in my bag of tricks!

– Susanne Navas

(you may read my blog about my race experience at

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