Children and a Strong Immune System with “Liquid Organic Product”

Theresa CarruthersMy daughter, Caitlin (age 4) has been drinking “Liquid Organic Product” since she was born (and in vitro through me). I’ve relied heavily on the this juice through the heavy virus seasons for her immune system. In her first 3 years, I noticed that while she would catch the usual colds going around, her recovery was significantly faster than her peers and her symptoms never once carried onto secondary symptoms such as ear infections.

In her fourth year, she has been exposed to a more serious cold and flu season than previous years, yet it has been Caitlin’s best year so far. Even the gastro viruses going around have never affected her in her life. Her immune system has developed naturally very well.

I have chosen not to vaccinate Caitlin since her 8wk old shots and she has been exposed to the highly contagious chicken pox but not contracted it.

Caitlin has always been a very strong-willed person, but I never saw a “tantrum” until she was about 3 (and very tired!), upon which moment I gave her a shot of “Liquid Organic Product” and she was placid by the time she put the cup down. I’ve used this trick on countless occasions in the “witching hour” before dinner when she was younger and it has centered her without fail

Since Caitlin could say “Liquid Organic Product” (or point to the fridge) she has been asking for it intuitively as needed at various times of the day – particularly in the mid-afternoon. Lately, I’ve noticed a change in her sleeping pattern since giving her a nip before bed.  She sleeps more restfully on these occasions, after a history of frequent sleep talking and nightmares.

Caitlin’s comprehension, language and physical development have always been stronger and more advanced than her peers. She is currently about a year ahead and has been able to carry a conversation with adults since the age of 2½. I have always treated her with the same respect as I would any adult and I believe this combined with her intake of such a great spectrum of nutrients between “Liquid Organic Product”, “Calcium/Mineral Product” & extra “Greens Product” every day has produced the remarkable individual she is today.

With love,

– Theresa Carruthers

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