Vicky from Virginia Has A Healthy Pregnancy

Vicki CrowleyAfter confirming my pregnancy, my doctor recommended I begin pre-natal vitamins.  I always had a issue with taking pills, and wasn’t looking forward to having to take the huge pre-natal pills, especially being as queasy as I was in the mornings already. So I provided my doctor with an outline of the ingredients for “Liquid Organic Product” and asked if I could take “Liquid Organic Product” instead of the pills.  His response was it definitely had the essential vitamins I needed, and I would only need to take a very small pill for my folic acid daily.

I continued on “Liquid Organic Product” through-out my pregnancy and experienced very few issues.  My Nicky was born via c-section at 9 lbs, 13ozs and absolutely perfect.  He is now 6 months and approximately 21 lbs and a very happy little boy.  He sleeps 12 hours at night and just laughs the day away.  In the morning when he wakes up rather than crying for his bottle, he just sits happily in his chair and talks away.

I do believe that a lot of the ease with my pregnancy and my happy little boy had to do with taking “Liquid Organic Product” through-out my pregnancy.  Being able to “drink” my daily vitamins, versus trying to swallow those “horse-pills” made my mornings much easier, while I also benefited from the extra energy “Liquid Organic Product” always gave me.  I like to think my little guy is so easy because of “Liquid Organic Product” and I will definitely be taking it when I decide to have another.

– Vicki Cowley | Fairfax, Virginia

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