Registered Nurse Doesn’t Get Sick Despite Being Surrounded by Germs All Day; Reduced Hot Flashes and No More Restless Leg Syndrome

Laura TurneyI am an RN and surrounded by icky germs all day. I have been drinking “Liquid Organic Product” for about 15 months and I just do not get the “sicknesses” all my co-workers seem to get. It’s amazing!

I am also a 2 time Breast Cancer survivor and a Tri-athlete and I have never felt better! My hot flashes have decreased dramatically and are now very minimal, my restless leg syndrome disappeared in the first month, and I have a sustained energy throughout the day that I have never had! I recover faster after a workout and feel clearer in my thinking!

I know that my body is getting all the essential nutrients it needs to function at a high level and do the best job that it can for me!  I recommend “Liquid Organic Product” to my patients as well.


– Laurie H. Turney RN, BSN

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