Joanne Sees Her “Excruciating Pain” Gone, Medication Reduced; Life Changed

This is from my friend in Stevens Point , WI .


It’s been great having reconnected with you after all these years. How interesting to see how our lives have taken twists and turns, how we have all grown over the past 25 years and what has made us become who we are.

When we met at your presentation I was excited to be able to see you just to renew our friendship with no immediate intention to pursue a new methodology of treating myexcruciating pain. I almost canceled that evening because of my level of pain as well as the time of day it was, after work. What a mistake that would have been.

By the end of my day I was generally wiped out and the only think I looked forward to was getting off my feet and medicating so as to hope and pray to get a few hours of sleep, only to do it again the next day. During your presentation I almost walked out because I couldn’t stand to sit there another minute. I waited as long as I could and you had the opportunity to step out and chat a moment. Your comment was along the lines of “you look like something’s wrong”. I didn’t think I could even take the time to explain the amount of pain I was in and just wanted to get home and medicate.

Having taken the time to discuss the issues I have been dealing with over the past decade including 4 knee surgeries, multiple injections in my back for degenerative spine diseasearthritis, and increasing dependence on harmful medication with all this leading to mental and physical depression. I realized a life style change was necessary. This sounds like a lot to explain in the few minutes we talked but you listened. Now I realize you did understand because of what you have been through as well.

I was seriously skeptical of a cure product. I believed it was my fate to live in pain and continue to treat the symptoms to the best of my ability. It was in the back of my mind, knowing surgery on my back was inevitable, but wanted no part of it because of what I have seen it do to others. As we talked I explained that I had realized being middle aged with a family history of degeneration and unhealthy life style I needed to amend my life and had begun to do that. I had started the arduous process of a modified diet and increased movement. I believed I couldn’t continue to work much longer. I was counting the days to retirement and looking at ways to get medical disability. Some days I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

I took your advice and began to use the “Liquid Organic Product”, “Joint Product” and the “Calcium/Mineral Product” as recommended. I couldn’t believe how it changed my life in just a matter of weeks. I had less than 35 degree flexion in my right knee.  I now have 90 degree flexion and the back pain is minimalized to where I can complete a full day work and still go home to do what I want around the house or socialize. I am not pain free but that’s not possible due to the extent of my degeneration.  My doctor visits are down by 75%; my medication has decreased by at least that.

I’m sure you remember my phone call to let you know how my life has changed. Over the past 8 months I have continued to use the products above as well as the “Sleeping Product”. The rest is history. I will continue to use these products because and only because I have experience the healing effects they produce. It’s not a cure all, but with the other tools of diet and movement it’s more than I could ever have dreamed. I wish I could get others to understand and experience what I have.

I again thank you for your advice and for being a friend.

Love you tons.

– JoAnne | Stevens Point, Wisconsin

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