Chad’s Blood Sugar Drops Significantly; Loses 11 Lbs


I was diagnosed with diabetes just over a year ago.  After you and I spoke about the benefits, and I placed my order, I wanted to put “Liquid Organic Product” to the test.  I started checking my blood sugar every morning.  (Obviously I’m supposed to check it more often than that, but I’d say I was in denial just a little bit.)  Every morning my blood sugar checked in between 240 and 250.  That is after 8 hours of sleep, and on an empty stomach.  I checked it every day for 7 days while awaiting my shipment of “Liquid Organic Product”.  It ran consistently between 240 and 250.  After my 3rd day of taking “Liquid Organic Product”, my blood sugar checked in at 141.  Odd – I had done nothing else differently.

I continued taking my “Liquid Organic Product”, and continued checking my blood.  It was consistently between 140 and 145.  I also noticed that I had more energy,  I was sleeping better, and I felt more rested in the morning.  I even felt that, for no other way to describe it, that my eyes were open a little wider.  I just felt better.  I also notice almost immediately that I was eating less.  My little 4 ounce glass of “Liquid Organic Product” filled me up.  I was eating 1/2 of what I had been eating before, and  I was a big eater!  I couldn’t believe I was leaving all that food on my plate.  It wasn’t like me to take doggy bags!

It’s also easier to make healthy choices on what to eat when you aren’t constantly starving out of your mind.  I’m happy to say that I’ve lost a few pounds (11 but who’s counting!) and have changed nothing else in my life.  I believe it’s the “Liquid Organic Product”.  So now here I am several months into my “Liquid Organic Product”, and my blood sugar is checking in between 100 and 109 each morning, which is MUCH closer to normal than where I started at.  Karen, thank you for introducing me to “Liquid Organic Product”.  I wish I had known about this years ago.

– Chad McCollam | Meredith, New Hampshire

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