Kathleen’s Thyroid Tests Come Back Normal; Reduces Supplements by Half

I have hypothyroidism, and for the past few years I have had to, at different times, increase my medication. So I went to my nutritional therapist and he put me on a supplement which worked for a while. But after a while I needed a higher the dosage of that. That wasn’t my goal. My goal was, to never have to take medication for anything.

I went to an open house at my nutritionist’s office and this woman showed up with a newsletter about a product with aloe and sea vegetables. I said, “I need that.” After 3 months of taking “Liquid Organic Product” I lowered my supplements to half, and when I went to my regular doctor my thyroid test came back as normal! I am confident that at some point in the near future I will no longer need anything except my “Sea Veg/Aloe”.

Kathleen Schiffmann | 2008

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