Doctors Amazed: Terminal Parathyroid Calcium Loss Stopped

My mother-in-law, who is 85 years old, has recently been using the “Liquid Organic Product

Back in early 2007, she was diagnosed with only one more year to live.  She had tumors on her parathyroid and her body was losing calcium each day through urinary calcium loss.  After taking the product consistently for just three weeks, she went in for a test and to her doctor ‘ s great surprise, she had stopped losing calcium!  She told us that she was really starting to feel great!!

She said her energy was way up.  The muscles in her thighs started building up again and she gained 9 lbs (she was only 98 lbs before starting on the product).

The doctors don’t know what to say…  but they were truly amazed (and still are).  Based on her condition, they don’t know how this incredible turnaround happened.  She told me, “I love this stuff and I will never get off it”  It’s been well over a year now and her results have continued.

Use this story any way you wish.


– Jim | Durango, Colorado

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