Eric from Wichita No Longer Suffering From Crohn’s and Now Off Medication

Hi  Janet!  I’m waiting for Eric Henderson in Wichita to do an official write-up of his story.  The poor guy SUFFERED with Crohn’s disease for years.  He even took morphine for pain.  He used to bleed all the time. He is only 30.  I took this pictures in July.  Here are my notes. See the 2 pictures!!!

Started in January within the first month off all of it.  Crohn’s disease, anemia, diverticulitis, fissures and fistulas in colon, surgery, can drink coffee again. Has a normal life. Realtor in Wichita .  Loratadine 10 mg. Morphine S04 15mg. Prednisone. Venlafaxine 37.5 mg. Nortriptyline hcl 50mg. Metronidazole 500mg. Mesalamine 250mg. Ptassium cloride 10MEQ. Budesonide 3mg. Prochlorperazine 25mg. Simethicone 80mg. Metoclopramide 10mg PRN.

Eric Before & After - Resized

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