Jan Suffered with Lupus “After one year, I was pain free and had my life back again”
My name is Jan Lowder and I live in Western Colorado.
Throughout the 1990’s, I found myself experiencing more and more health challenges. I was a teacher and mother of four and had a hard time getting through the day. Then in 1997, I was diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease called Lupus. For me that meant living with the never-ending flu symptoms: fever, chills, extreme fatigue and body aches. I woke up in pain every morning. About half the time it would work out and about four days out of seven I lived on ibuprofen.
My doctor prescribed a list of supplements so I went to the health food store and filled my tackle box. Twice a day I took a handful of pills! It wasn’t long before I was experiencing a lot of digestion problems on top of my Lupus symptoms. My doctor also recommended a specialist and treatment in Denver. But I wanted to start simple and knew I could always work up to more radical treatment.
In the summer of 2000 I started working with a nutritionist who started me on the “Liquid Organic Product” and “Calcium/Mineral Supplement” (liquid calcium). Gradually I began to notice improvements. My bad days became fewer and farther apart. My good days got better and I began to have energy again. My digestion improved and I was even able to start exercising. I stayed well and avoided my usual winter cycle of sinus infection, bronchitis and pneumonia. After one year, I was pain free and had my life back again. Each year my health has risen to a new level. After seven years of faithfully taking “Company X” liquid nutrition, I live a full, active life including hiking, biking, skiing, jogging, volunteer work and keeping up with my grandkids.
I’ve seen similar positive results among many other people suffering with autoimmune disorders such as Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. I strongly encourage everyone to try “Liquid Organic Product” and not wait for a health crisis like I did.
– Jan Lowder | Colorado