Exhausted Nursing Mother Revitalized

When my first son was almost 4 years old and my second son was a newborn I went to visit my parents. My Dad, is an MD. He said that I looked so worn out and anemic. I had been sleeping during the day and falling asleep with the kids every night and just felt constantly tired.  At night, when the baby woke me up to nurse, I could not fall asleep again for two or three hours.

It was impossible for me to be positive and caring with my oldest. Because I was so exhausted I could hardly think. My dad asked me to try “Liquid Organic Product” to see if it would help. After just three days of taking “Liquid Organic Product”, I started to notice an improvement in my energy level. It also became easier for me to fall asleep after the baby woke me up at night.

Soon, I was not sleepy during the day any more and I was staying up until 10 or 11 pm, well past the kids bedtime. When I woke up at night to nurse, I would fall right back asleep. Having more sleep and more energy has allowed me to be more patient with my older child at a time when he really needs me, that is worth everything to me.

– Sandra Kornyu | Watertown , Massachusetts

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