Nancy’s 5 Years of Fibromyalgia Pain Gone Is Gone After 10 Months

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which has no cure.  My doctors told me they would help me with pain management for the rest of my life. I just couldn’t imagine spending the next 30+ years on painkillers, so I searched for alternatives. I did find one that kept my symptoms at bay, but it cost me a lot of time and a lot of money.  I still had to limit my commitments and activities, and made sure I got plenty of sleep, because the threat of painful flare-ups from “overdoing” was always with me.

When I started drinking “Liquid Organic Product” I had no expectations of its benefits to me.

But after 10 months, it was unbelievable, not only do I have no pain but I have more energy than I have had in years.  I had actually forgotten what it felt like to feel good – to have no pain PLUS vitality! Now I do aerobics and train with weights 3 times a week!  I no longer have to protect myself, or be treated by others, as if I were a fragile invalid.

I play with my grandchildren, and do all the things I want to do!

– Nancy Myers | Marlborough, Massachusetts

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