Nancy Is Now Completely Off Hormone Replacement Therapy
My family suffers from low serotonin levels. During the start of menopause in 2001, I became clinically depressed as my mother also had during her menopause. My doctor prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to help with symptoms of the depression. I had been on these medications since June 2001.
Early last year, my doctor wanted me to reduce the dosage and potentially stop the HRT because I have a sister who had estrogen sensitive breast cancer. She prescribed anti-depressant drugs while I gradually reduced the levels of estrogen. Even with the anti-depressant drugs I still could feel the negative effects of the reduced estrogen levels. I soon had to return to my normal, full dosage of HRT drugs.
In mid March of 2007 I started taking “Liquid Organic Product”. I immediately felt a sense of well being that I had not felt for a long time. Because there were more studies that have come out about HRT, I decided that I would try again to reduce my HRT dosage. This time, however, I did not take anti-depressant drugs. About a month after I started taking “Liquid Organic Product”, I gradually reduced the HRT. It is now the end of June and I’ve been completely off the HRT drugs for about two months. I have had none of the negative side effects that I had previously.
Since taking “Liquid Organic Product”, I’ve been able to sleep better, have had no anxiety and more energy.
– Nancy Eckert | June 2007