Bonnie Is Off Arthritis Medication

Hello my name is Bonnie.  I live in Texas . Daly Colwell and Bo Coffey introduced my family to “Company X” Products. It was a God sent; I was not getting around too well at the time.  I had a wheel chair, and could not get up and down. I had a lot of pain when I moved and couldn’t go up or down my steps without a cane.  Arthritis in my hands made it so I couldn’t shake hands with anyone because of pain.  I couldn’t open a jar.  I was a mess.  Plus, I was on about eight different medications that were causing me problems.

I was getting a hunch back; my feet were swelling so that I couldn’t wear my shoes.  It got so bad I couldn’t button my blouses.  I said, “I have to stop this”.  So guess what I did – I stopped my meds.  I sure wouldn’t advise anyone else to do it; but I was miserable.

I started taking “Liquid Organic Product”, “Calcium/Mineral Supplement” and “Joint Formula” in Jan. 07 and in three months I started feeling and seeing a difference.  The pain started diminishing in my hands and I really started feeling a lot better.

Today, June 2008, I no longer need any medication (except thyroid- I hope one day not to have to take that either).  I don’t need a wheelchair or a cane and I can go up and down my steps as if nothing had ever been wrong. I am 82 yrs. young and pray I have many more good years ahead.

I’m thankful for prayer and the “Company X” products.  Both were needed.

– Bonnie Virga | Texas

P.S.  This is a true story.  I am a real person. It REALLY worked for me.

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