Mike Suffered from Psoriasis Sufferer for 29 Years; Finally Finds Relief

My father recommended “Liquid Organic Product” to one of his patient’s parent’s Tim and Mary Ann MacDonald in Sep 2007 (my dad is a pediatrician in Connecticut ). Tim has had psoriasis for about 29 years. It covers 60-70% of his body.

Tim took the top picture shown here after being on the product for about 5 weeks. You can see it is pretty inflamed. The bottom picture was taking 1 month later. Since then he is doing well. He is currently taking 4 oz. a day.

Mike Trouern-Trend

Psoriasis after 5 weeks on “Liquid Organic Product”

Mike Trouern-Trend 1


Psoriasis after 9 weeks on “Liquid Organic Product”

Mike Trouern-Trend 2

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