8-Year Old Summer Sees Great Improvement with Diabetes

Summer was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 8 years old.

Summer had many symptoms that now seem so obvious including unquenchable thirst, urinating all the time, increased appetite, sleeping 16 hours a day, and irritability. I dismissed these symptoms as kid quirks or growth spurts. But when she lost 11 pound in a few days I realized this was something much bigger. The doctor pulled me out of the room and said, “Take Summer to the ER immediately and have someone bring your overnight bag.” I started to ask another question. He interrupted me; “Leave now, questions later; I’ll let the hospital know you will be there soon.”

Summer slept all the way to the hospital. The doctors tested her on an advanced Blood Glucose meter.  Normal Blood Glucose levels are 70-125. Summer’s was 843! After 28 hours she was at 305, they disconnected her IV’s and sent us to Denver to stay two nights and get further treatment and training. After the first week, Summer was using 48 units of insulin (5 shots per day). I then added 8 ounces of “Liquid Organic Product” per day to her diet and she dropped to between none and 12 units (down 75% to 100%)!  I continue to give her 8 ounces of “Liquid Organic Product” and her lack of insulin needs continues to impress everyone.

I understand that some of you may be questioning if this is simply the “honeymoon period”. The “honeymoon period” is once insulin is started generally within days or weeks, blood sugars and the variability of the blood sugars decreased in some fortunate patients. Blood sugars that were formerly in the 200-300 range now have decreased to near normal levels in the 100s and even 70-100 range. I believe that some of Summer’s numbers may reflect the honeymoon period. There are two facts that make me believe that body balance had such a dramatic difference.  First when I mentioned to her doctor that all week if I gave Summer any insulin at all I would have to give her extra fruit in order to keep her blood sugar in the target range (70-150) otherwise she would go into the 50’s (not good). So I simply could not give her any insulin for 7 days, which I think is a combination of “Liquid Organic Product” and Honeymoon. The doctor said she has never heard of that before!  Also I went on a vacation with Summer for four days and did not give her “Liquid Organic Product” these were her results:

Day 1- 6 units (she took the 8oz “Liquid Organic Product” in the morning)

Day 2-6 units again (first day without “LOP”)

Day 3-9 units (no “LOP”)

Day 4- 15 units (no “LOP”) I started to notice darkness under her eyes and she was more irritable.

Day 5-17 units (no “LOP”) she started begging for sweets, which I think because of the niacin in “LOP” helps with these cravings.

Day 6-13 units (8oz “LOP”)

Day 7-8 units (8oz “LOP”)

Day 8-6 units (8oz “LOP”)

To explain the different types of Diabetes; with Type 1 Diabetes, which has no known cause, the immune system mistakenly destroys healthy cells in the pancreas which produce insulin, the hormone that helps your body convert food into energy. To make up for the lack of insulin, you typically need injections of insulin several times a day. In type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas usually makes plenty of insulin (at least at first), but cells throughout the body have trouble using it – a condition known as insulin resistance.

After having such great results with “Liquid Organic Product” I researched why it was making a difference. I found that Body Balance has brown sea vegetables which contain a compound called fucoidan, which is known to stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease blood pressure, lower cholesterol and enhance immune function. It also has copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, chromium, vanadium, zinc, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B complex as well as the co-factors which work together to regulate blood sugars and correct deficiencies. They also allow insulin to do its job better with decreased amounts of insulin needed. That is just to name a few of the nutrients that are essential and their abilities.

I hope this is inspirational to anyone who has the misfortune of having a loved one with Diabetes.

– Genny Hardenbrook

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