Little Myles Currently Shows Minimal Signs of Autism; “We could not be more certain that the benefits are a direct result of Liquid Organic Product”

Myles from day one was a happy, jovial and affectionate baby.  He was very easy going and was always full of life!  As an infant he never needed a set schedule and adapted beautifully to the busy lives my husband and I lead.  He was very low maintenance through his first year of life, eating and thriving!  Myles always seemed to have a smile on his face, laughing and giggling and brought great joy to everyone he met.  He was always in the 95th percentile for his height and the 80th percentile for his weight.  He met and quite honestly exceeded, all developmental milestones – forming words, running and walking, and was notably outgoing, affectionate and sociable.

Just to paint a picture, he flew effortlessly with me to visit family in Colorado at 10 weeks old and then again when he was 14 months.  My husband and I coach Cross Country and Track for youth.  He came everywhere with us; indoor track meets at 8 weeks old, traveling, attending practices, etc.  We coach over 115 middle school cross country runners every Fall. Myles, at one year of age, was attending practice every day, interacted, hugging and running with our runners. He was enrolled in Montessori School at 14 months old and loved it!  He would jump out of the car, say “bye mommy” and run right into his classroom, never looking back.   His teacher commented several times that she had never seen a child adjust and adapt so well.  He interacted with his classmates and participated in all classroom activities.

It is debatable, by some, but we strongly feel the dramatic changes in Myles were a result of his 15-month round of vaccinations, specifically the MMR. Of course it is impossible to pinpoint but it is undeniable by us when you compare the before and after results…I remember it like it was yesterday, his doctors appointment was on a Friday at 1:00pm. By Saturday evening he seemed irritable and uncomfortable. By Sunday evening he was writhing on the floor in the hallway, ripping at his clothes in attempts to get them off. He was inconsolably crying and would scream in panic when we would try to pick him up or console him, batting and hitting us away. As each day progressed he seemed to lose words and his ability to form them.  By Monday morning he was gagging and spitting out everything he tried to eat. He looked like a zombie; ashen white with dark circles under his eyes, staring into space either curled up on the couch or huddled in the corner of his room. He wouldn’t let anyone touch, hug or get near him. We were in the CT Children’s Hospital by Tuesday afternoon for a brain MRI to rule out seizure, stroke, tumor, and the like.  All the tests and imaging came back normal.

We spent the next three months testing and searching for answers, all the while watching Myles simply disappear before our eyes. By 18 months old he had lost all of his vocabulary including mommy and daddy. His diet was limited to three or four foods that would not make him gag. He was no longer sleeping through the night and stopped napping all together. He refused to wear clothing and would constantly pull at everything that touched his skin.  Myles was incessantly spinning, flapping, stemming, and quickly developed random unexplained eye movement and facial tics.  Transitioning and diaper changes became so difficult for us.  He would get so upset, start crying and screaming which would lead to him turning purple around his lips and passing out.  It became impossible for me to take him anywhere, we pulled him from school and we would spend our days isolated at home, in a chronic state of “crisis management”, as I like to call it.

At 18 months, we scheduled an evaluation by the Early Intervention Program in our area. When they came in and witnessed what we were dealing with their hopes were not to reverse his condition but to manage and teach us coping skills.  They had serious concern for Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Dysfunction and Self Regulatory problems.  They quickly scheduled us for six in-home visits per month, by Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Child Psychologists.  We continued to seek answers from one medical professional after another, never finding anything physically wrong to explain the changes.

My husband and I felt completely helpless, frustrated and lost.  There is nothing as agonizing and dis-empowering as being a parent and feeling like there is nothing you can do to help your child.  We were grieving the loss of our son, trying to cope and doing the best we could to manage, all the while blaming each other and ourselves.  Our lives both individually and collectively were stressful and strained.  I had to stop working as Myles and his therapy became my full time job and it quickly became very difficult to make ends meet.  Soon there after we filed bankruptcy and began to fight to keep our home.  Our marriage suffered horribly and we grew farther and farther apart.  I felt like my life was crumbling before my eyes and I struggled to keep it together and fight through each day for Myles’ sake.        

After eight months of receiving routine services with little improvement, I decided to shift focus towards alternative therapies and how nutrition influenced his ability to interpret, integrate and process his world and surroundings.  I researched and researched, asked questions and searched for alternative support.  I started by eliminating gluten, dairy, and soy from his diet.  I started taking Myles to a chiropractor/holistic practitioner in Queens who added Probiotics and Omega Fatty Acids to reduce neurological inflammation, regenerate myelin sheath integrity and heal his leaky gut.  The nest step was to eliminate dyes, chemicals, processed foods, and GMO’s.  There seemed to be a gradual, slow improvement but we still struggled everyday with everything from diaper changes and getting him dressed, to transitions and eating.  At this point we had stopped in-home visits and Myles was receiving 8 hours of in-office Occupational Therapy each week.

About three months ago we were introduced to a whole foods supplement that to us, quickly became the missing piece of his puzzle.  It has truly changed our son’s life, giving us as parents, new hope for his future.  Within 48 hours of introducing “Liquid Organic Product”, we noticed an improvement in his vocabulary, his ability to process and transition.  Within one week, his self-regulation skills became easier for him to put in place.  He stopped resisting diaper changes all together and could more readily wear clothing for longer periods of time before they started to bother him. That same week his OT asked us what we had done with Myles, insinuating that this child she had just worked with was a totally different child than the Myles she had worked with just the week before. He continued to advance in record speed hitting milestones not previously anticipated by anyone.  Within two months, Myles dropped from needing 8 hours of OT to only 90 minutes once a week!

This product has allowed Myles to digest and absorb more completely, balance systemic mineral composition and oxygenate his body and brain.  The most beautiful improvement has been in his interpersonal skills and his capacity and desire for affection and connection.  When confronted with a trigger (light, sound or texture) he is more capable of communicating to us what is bothering him and can more readily answer us when we ask what he needs.  We find that instead of self-isolating, removing himself from groups and refusing one on one interaction, he now seeks communication, affection and interaction with everyone he comes in contact with.  He introduces himself to everyone and everything, including the caterpillars and the bees in our backyard, as if he is so proud to be himself and wants to show the world!

Myles currently shows minimal signs of Autism, transitions beautifully, has comprehension of cause and effect, an expanded vocabulary, an ability to focus on a task and an astonishing improvement in his desire for affection and connection.  That’s not to say that he doesn’t have his setbacks or “bad days”, but who doesn’t?!   Even our bad days are not as bad as they used to be, and instead of lasting days on end, Myles is capable of resetting and collecting himself.  We could not be more certain that the benefits are a direct result of “Liquid Organic Product”; we ran out before our second shipment arrived and Myles went without for three days. All of the progression seemed lost overnight and instantly returned, faster than his original introduction, after starting back up.

My husband and I observe his life as being far more joyful, connected, easier and truly happy as compared to before.  We are seeing the little boy we knew and loved from day one; jovial, easygoing, and affectionate, continuing to emerge every day.  Slowly but surely, relief and joy is being restored in our home.  My husband and I are now able to find spare moments to spend together, re-connecting and re-discovering our love for one another and our truly passionate love for our son.

Despite our financial demise and our eventual inability to keep up with mortgage payments, I consider myself truly blessed for everything we have today; our health and happiness as individuals and as a family unit.  This journey has taught me so much about the strength and fortitude of the human heart and how, with an indelible spirit and iron will, anything is possible.  I am blessed that I made the conviction and unwavering decision to pursue knowledge and find alternative options in healing Myles.  We consider ourselves truly blessed in having found this “magic potion” as we call it in our home. Every member of our family takes it now and we all continue to find great benefit in doing so.

Our outlook on life and family has been forever altered and our priority continues to be, making each day the very best day for Myles.  We take things one step at a time with the utmost compassion, patience and love for one another and self.  I stand here today a better person for having gone through everything I have.  The pain and anguish is not gone or forgotten but that is what continues to drive me.

By telling our story, we hope that parents who witness their child struggle and suffer every day, or whether you feel as though your child is not functioning to the fullest of their potential due to developmental disorders, that there is hope.  It cannot hurt to try something new, something different and natural.  My heart goes out to you and your family, I know your pain and suffering and I am eternally grateful for what this product and company has done for my son and family.  It continues to restore balance and serenity in our home and for that I am truly grateful!

– Erin Schumacher | Connecticut

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