Robin Loses 9 Lbs; Now Down to the Lowest Weight She’s Been in 26 Years

Robin TempleWOW. I am amazed and grateful at the weight and inches lost over the past 8 weeks. I have lost 9 pounds, and am down to the lowest weight I have been in 26 years. Frankly, I was not sure if I would ever reach this weight again, and now I have total confidence that I will be able to continue and lose another 8 pounds to reach my ultimate dream weight.

It has been so easy. I only exercised with focus for 3 out the 8 weeks, but I still dropped inches without exercise! I have never experienced this before. I have felt more than great the entire time, and the program has changed and reinforced much better eating practices, such as not eating late at night, and starting to count calories.

And in the 3 weeks I did the recommended exercises, I grew so strong and improved so quickly in stamina, that I was encouraged and motivated to get into the best shape of my life. At 57 I now have the tools and confidence to to reclaim the lean, strong body I used to have in my 20’s. What a gift.

– Robin Temple

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