“Liquid Organic Product” Helps John Quit Smoking
I am writing a letter of testimony to share my story on how I used “Company X” “Liquid Organic Product” to quit smoking in hope of helping people all over the world to get rid of the filthy habit.
My grandmother is Mazie Berend, a distributor and user of “Company X” Products. She was always on me about quiting smoking cigarettes considering I was up to about a pack a day and sometimes a pack and a half. One day on my way to work, she told me that I should take a “Liquid Organic Product” Single Stick with me and put a little on my tongue whenever I had a craving for nicotine, so I took her advice.
I would sprinkle a little on my tongue throughout the day and not crave a cigarette at all, and finally one day I didn’t have a stick with me and it had been about 6 or 7 days since my last cigarette, so I tried smoking one and it tasted horrible! It has been close to 3 months since I have smoked or even had the temptation to smoke all thanks to my grandmother’s idea and imagination.
A little “fun fact” for you: I have calculated how much I am saving annually since I quit buying cigarettes. If I smoked a pack a day at $6.16 (which is how much I was spending) I am saving over $2,300 per year. I believe in what “Liquid Organic Product” has done for me and what it can do for others. It really works!
– John Adam Berend