Rich from Colorado Loses 27 Lbs and 8 inches Off His Waist – “What a miracle”

Rich_Norval_8_weeksMy name is Rich Norval and I am a “Weight Loss Program” beta tester. I currently reside in Thornton, Colorado. At the time of the beta trial my wife Daughn was a “Company X” member. I was not. Back in January of 2012 she introduced me to “Liquid Organic Product” because my weight was at 286 pounds on a 5 foot 10 1/2 inch frame. My physical noted: obese on my health chart. Not a happy event for me. So I was about resigned to the fact that I was going to be pushing close to 300 pounds of weight around in size 46 pants and XXL shirts for the rest of my life.

I’d about given up but my wife thankfully never gave up on finding a solution to my ever expanding body. In the past I had tried every time of system you could think of. I knew more about diet and exercise than most people. However, none of that was helping and I was completely frustrated, angry, and depressed about my future health. I  was really concerned because the great majority of this weight was centered around my organs. Daughn is a Certified Surgical Technologist by profession and explained to me what visceral fat looks like when people are cut open for surgery. Truly, that scared me. I could not find the trigger to release this fat from my body and in the last 20 years my weight has consistently gone up in scale.

In early 2011 I had a conversation with Christa Way about that very thing. I thanked her for her time and went on about my business totally forgetting that first conversation with her. And then, along came Daughn’s sponsors Laurie and Scott Mitchell. They had just attended the 2012 “Company X” in San Diego and arrived back in Denver at Denver International Airport. They called me and asked me if I would be interested in participating in a beta trial for a new high tech weight loss system they were going to introduce to the market. Not realizing at the time what they were offering I hemmed and hawed for a couple of days before accepting their gracious offer. More on that later.

So I said yes and submitted my photos for consideration in the beta trial. I didn’t think much about it because I didn’t want to get my hopes up and went about my life. That was on October 17, a few days later I was notified of acceptance and then the fun started!

I officially started the Beta Trial at 267.2 pounds with a 46 inch waist and not much hope that this would work. Our Beta group had a call or two with the Home Office folks on the protocol and expectations for recording our results and then we were set free. The first three weeks of the trial I can remember concentrating on getting the mechanics of the system down and following the meal plan as best as I could. I wasn’t really paying any attention to what was going on inside me for the first three weeks. I was just learning how to integrate this lifestyle change into my life. So, week 3 and our weights and measurements are due. I step on the scale and am down 16.7 lbs but more importantly, I had reduced my belly circumference by 4 inches! That was a great moment for me, I KNEW that this was the answer. I kept following the “Weight Loss Program” system and easily integrated this fabulous hi-tech weight loss system into my life. On December 8, 2012 my ending results were 27.2 lbs of weight lost and 8 (eight) inches of circumference GONE from me. What a miracle. I have more life, more energy, more zest, more awareness, more clarity, and I sleep like a baby, every day since I started on these wonderful products.

My wife Daughn Norval never gave up on finding the answers, thank you my Love! Laurie and Scott Mitchell, the gift you gave me by giving me your spot in the trial, saved my life, and changed my life. THANK YOU.

I’m currently at about 228 pounds, wearing size 36 pants, and can fit into medium sized shirts! (I know, right?!). My life is forever changed by the love of my family, my friends, and “Company X“. My goal is to get back down to my college weight of 188. I have some work to do on the way there but it’s so fun and easy I have no doubt I will acheive that goal! Next phase is the “Weight Loss Program” system, Mitzi’s diet, and now the fitness component to gain an even higher level of health.

My story needs to be told to other men in our country just like me that don’t know about this incredible system because it’s so new. I am forever grateful and excited to share this with all those looking for a real solution. If you follow this plan I KNOW you will have results that far exceed your expectations!

Sincerely and thankfully yours,

– Rich Norval | Thornton, Colorado

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